There is true dichotomy in this force we call Yoga...the dichotomy of balance. The balance between effort and surrender within the Asanas (poses). The balance of your inhalations and exhalations, as you breathe through effort and into surrender. And, of the utmost importance is the equanimity of knowing when to step up to the challenge (whether on or off your mat) and when to stand down...
It's almost like the song The Gambler by Kenny Rogers...and it's true...You gotta know when to hold 'em or know when to fold 'em.........
So today, I pose to you a challenge. And it's not just a challenge of the body (no Headstands for 100 breaths) but also a challenge of the mind...
All of this, knowing when to step up and knowing when to take a knee...it's all there inside you...it's called intuition. It is the unexplainable energy that fuels us... It is the unmistakable feeling that in the present time, you know exactly what is right for you to do in that precise moment...You handle the situation breath by breath...
And this is what Yoga is. Yoga is knowing (through experience) and doing what's right for you... Yoga is about getting to know...reeeeally know...Yourself. Getting to know yourself so well, in fact, that you can intuit every situation... So that you can live your life knowing what to do and when to do it but also what not to do and when to let go.
So your challenge (for anyone who might read this....Really only Adele reads this!!) is to honour yourself today...Honour everything about yourself...Honour everything you like...everything you don't like...every bit of muscle and every bit of fat...every Asana that you find freedom in and every Asana that you hate and struggle with...Honour every thought about your baby niece and every thought about that person that cut you off in traffic...Honour your body and honour your mind..... what's the best way....breathe and accept!!!